Letter from Father 2023


From Father’s Library 

New York City Tunnels 

January 2023 



My dearest friends, 


It is with deepest affection that I write to you and update you for the year. Things are well here in the tunnels, at the moment, and it is partly you that I must thank. Your kindness and giving to our people has provided us with the ease and comfort we currently enjoy, and we send gratitude with this letter. 


The world Above has become quite tumultuous these last few years, as I hear from Peter and Catherine. Because of that terrible turmoil, we have seen a dramatic increase in the arrival of many helpers arriving to seek permanent shelter here in our tunnels, leaving behind their homes Above. We are honored that many of you have chosen our humble dwellings to escape your reality. We will do our best to make you feel at home, as meager as our existence is compared to the magnitude of your world. It is all we have to offer, and we offer it willingly.  


Not much has changed in this last year. The children have grown immensely. Kipper is quite nearly a young man now. I do my best to keep him and Mouse from constantly wandering off on their grand adventures, but as most of you know, boys will be boys. At least I tell myself that when I am staring at the ceiling at night because I cannot sleep for the worry that plagues me.  


Arthur has managed not to offend William in a while, at least he has not mentioned it to me. But I have suspicions that it is because he often can be seen laying out various scraps and snacks for the ‘coon. He claims it is to ward off the bandit’s advances on his kitchen, but I suspect it is because he has developed a soft spot for the creature. But you know William will never agree to that conjecture, so I keep it to myself. It is delightful to watch the transformation in that man, by the hands of a little creature, but at least Mouse does not wander around in constant fear that his pet will be excommunicated from our tunnels because he is stealing. I think Mouse has his own fears regarding the same, and for that I regret some of my handling of the situation when he first came to us. I am grateful the lad is so forgiving and gentle. I could not live with myself if he held a grudge for my actions regarding the Silence and his own habit of ‘taking.  


Speaking of Mouse, Jamie and Mouse are also becoming closer by the day and I both fear and delight in the fact that wedding bells may grace our Great Hall in the near future. Mary is quite excited by the prospect, but I have sworn her to complete silence on the topic until there is an announcement from the young ones. I hope it is soon, I myself am bursting to make remarks that an old man like me should know better than to say. I want to heckle them a bit, love on them a bit, but I dare not disturb the progress they are making. Mouse is such a bashful thing; I don’t want to send him running. I suppose I should trust the stable heart of Jamie to keep him grounded, in any case.  

Speaking of getting close, I have also seen little glances between Pascal and Rebecca. Would be good for that man to have something other than pipes to focus on. Look at me being a troublemaker. I shall say no more until there are announcements to make. Forgive an old man for being excited about something other than tea and books. 


I hope both the New Year and the Chinese New Year were pleasant for you. I know it was not for some of our helpers and their friends. With sorrow, we held a candlelight vigil for those lost by the violence of your world. It is the least we can do, and if any of you need candles for the same, let us know and Rebecca will see to it at once. The boys will be happy to deliver them.  


We had a grand New Year feast, thanks to William and his culinary talents. Catherine insisted on helping and while he was miffed at first, I think he stuffed away his pride at the eagerness she displayed. A bristly creature William is, until smiled at by the ladies. Soft as a roll, at that. The children were all clamoring to be part of the festivities, so we gave them the job of decorating the tables. I must admit, the amount of glitter and streamers that soon filled the dining hall made my eye twitch and Mary shooed me away until they were done, bless her. The end result was admittedly quite nice but the effort to get there.......I daren’t think of it. Foolish old man, I am , I know. 


Anyway, I digress. There has not been much sickness here, and for that we are eternally grateful. Great care has been taken by the community and the combined efforts show. Peter has been so kind as to keep us up to date on the struggles of your world, and care for those that encounter illness along the way. We were pleased to see him at our New Year feast, as it was often that he could not make it due to cases he was caring for.  


Pascal has worked out a new system on the pipes where certain of the pipes carry messages back and forth from helpers both Above and below. This divides their messages from the regular chatter of the community, and he says that it helps him concentrate better. I feel that is completely rubbish, but he cannot be persuaded otherwise.  

I hope this letter finds you all well, and safe, whether you are in the frigid worlds north of the equator, or the steamy ones of the southern lands. Thank you for the dream you keep alive. We are once again eternally grateful.  


I know all of you have various dreams and creativities concerning our world, and I cannot dissuade you from those endeavors. Is it not dreaming that brought us to these tunnels in the first place? Dreams of joy and peace and hope for all? 


My prayer for you, the helpers, is that you will always remember what brought these tunnels to the fame that they have now – love. Most of all, as you create the tales that bring you happiness, remember love. It is the glue that holds humankind together, and even we could not exist without it. Vincent and Catherine have proven that to you all.  

Love will endure all, accept all, be patient with all. Do not let the fame and fortune that Above squeezes from this dream divide you in the solid mission that we hope for – that of unification of the dreamers. You ALL have something to give, something to share, something to bring to the table.  


Speaking of tables, Winterfest is upon us. Be sure that you bring your candles and take care on the way down.  



With concern and affection, 


Jacob Wells