I Walked In Brokenness

 I Walked In Brokenness

by JessicaRae

I walked in brokenness, to the sound

Of my feet rustling along the dusty ground.

I wept and sighed, its echo flying

A broken sound around me, akin to dying.

I walked in darkness, its burning coal;

A weight of lead within my empty soul,

I reached for hope, but nothing found.

Wishful dreaming in blackness drowned.

I sat in silence, a burden deep

Desiring there my soul to mourn and keep

I breathed a breath to break its bond,

But found all light from me had gone.

Who can raise me from this cavern low,

Where all dreams and hopes to die will go,

Is there anyone, someone, not a dream, but real

My soul, so broken, to touch and heal?

I wait alone, in hopeless darkness, night

Searching, for there must be some beauty, some light.

But with each dusty step my whispering feet will take,

The cavern whispers ‘it’s too late, too late.”

This deafening roar upon my parched lips,

As sorrow, from my soul, the darkness rips,

I give up all hope to the broken night above,

Devoid of light, and devoid of love.

Yet hark, I hear that gentle, hopeful voice,

Reaching to me, past my broken, aching choice.

Though darkness roars within my heart and ears,

Hope appears as light through falling tears.

One word, though desperate, is all it takes,

Memory fails me now of choices made,

All that remains to see, and all I know;

Is that sweet voice, touched, and saved, and healed my soul.

(reference to BATB 1987, Season 2 Episode 22,

“The Rest is Silence”)