
We Are All the Light

  Where It All Began In a quiet suburb, the hiss of the steam and swish of the white mist has faded from the gratings that lined concrete streets. Instead of looming towers of steel, and the rustle of the wind in Central Park trees, the straggling blackness of worn oaks scratch against white skies. It is wintertime in the country, and the only mist here is the smoke from chimneys and the warm breath from the vents of dryers.  Perched in a gable window, a reader fell down the rabbit hole of fantasy, by grasping the hand of another who offered them the glimmer of hope that dreaming would bring, and they left the cold and barren farmland and stepped into the galvanized entrance of a place known only in dreams and fairytales.  The sounds that rang in the newcomers ears were like none they had ever experienced before. The rumbling of a subway train in the distance, the hissing of air through ancient steam pipes, and a faint melodic tapping - they all sang the song of something...

Letter from Father 2023

  From Father’s Library   New York City Tunnels   January 2023       My dearest friends,     It is with deepest affection that I write to you and update you for the year. Things are well here in the tunnels, at the moment , and it is partly you that I must thank. Your kindness and giving to our people has provided us with the ease and comfort we currently enjoy, and we send gratitude with this letter.     The world Above has become quite tumultuous these last few years, as I hear from Peter and Catherine. Because of that terrible turmoil, we have seen a dramatic increase in the arrival of many helpers arriving to seek permanent shelter here in our tunnels, leaving behind their homes Above. We are honored that many of you have chosen our humble dwellings to escape your reality. We will do our best to make you feel at home, as meager as our existence is compared to the magnitude of your world. It is all we have to offer, and we offer i...

Far Below

Far Below Far below the steaming grates that grace the city streets, Lies a world of hope and mystery dark, where many secrets keep. The sentinel shadow seemed to come alive, as she reached the tunnel door. As if on cue the world noticed them, the wind then whispered more. A step toward the dimly shaded circle that separates the worlds, She left a crunching in the grass where autumn leaves were curled. Another step on concrete silent, the sentinel paused the path to scan, The tunnels held their breath with him it seemed, as he reached a welcome hand. Through shadows grey they entered the world hidden from the city’s eye. And although this was a normal night, it felt as if she were a spy. Great care was made, that no one else saw her enter in the night, As oft aware as they all were, to avoid the evening light. She often came, was true, and they all knew she was one of them, And most of all there was one for her, she came to be with him. And although the trek is long and quiet, to get...